“A film is first finished when it comes to the movie theaters,” the director Edgar Reitz said at the awards ceremony of the Gilde Filmpreis in 2014. However, the variety of digital media should keep us from being deceived into believing that the movie theater is still essential for the commercial success of a film. Likewise, good cinema is far more than just the venues where films are shown:
– Guarantees for film diversity: Members of the AG Kino – Gilde screen more than 4000 different films annually. There were 32 European productions from 11 countries among the TOP 100 films in 2014 alone.
– A success factor for German film: Art house cinemas screen exceptional German productions (35 among the TOP 100 films in 2014). Often more than 75% of the total viewers at these films contribute to their ratings.
– Movie theaters are cultural venues: Particularly in rural and structurally underdeveloped regions, cinemas are often one of the only places where people can communally take part in cultural experiences, so that they take on special sociocultural meaning.
– Movie theaters provide (market) relevance: Both competition over a film’s release and the resonance to what is shown on the screen substantially contribute to the fame and success of a film.
Funding Policies:
We like to describe cinemas as the “engines in the chain of evaluation!” Films generally receive public attention and relevance only by their presence on the big screen.
Consequently, for the AG Kino – Gilde e.V. cinema and film promotion are two sides of the same coin. Attractive and modern cinemas help a film, just like movie theaters also rely on both good and relevant movies.
We engage in national film promotion so that these two sides can maintain a sensible balance. Technical innovations brought about by the digitalization of the cinema continue to confront us with challenges. For this reason, we need strong and dependable partners.
The AG Kino – Gilde e.V. is in contact with politics and sponsors on the EU, federal and state levels, in order to represent the interests of the cinemas in all areas.
EU Film Policy
The EU exercises great influence on European cultural policy through the program MEDIA and in related efforts through CREATIVE EUROPE. For German movie theaters, communication about state financial assistance for films and other audiovisual works (in short: the Kinomitteilung) is especially important. It regulates the extent to which member states may support cinemas.
Another important topic for the representation of movie theater interests in Brussels is the discussion about exclusive cinema releases. We must counter with all our might the widespread, but mistaken belief held in the EU Commission that the simultaneous release of films in all media (movie theaters, DVD, VoD, etc.) would stimulate the market.
Current Position Statements:
Position statement of the AG Kino – Gilde e.V. on the Film Funding Act, “Filmförderungsgesetz (FFG) Novelle 2016” (in German): DIE-EINE-FFG Novelle 2017_Stellungnahme AG Kino-Gilde eV
Recommendations of the AG Kino – Gilde e.V. on EU film and media politics (in German): Mitglieder-Handreichung-EU